Monday, January 27, 2014

PET Scan Results

 To start off today is my 35th birthday. Not sure where all this time has gone!!! But I couldn't be happier with where I am in my life!
 I got the best present this morning as well. Dr Manges came into my appointment & said that my PET Scan was "just fine"! What?!?!?!? Are you serious!!! I asked if anything was glowing on my body & he said no. I just couldn't believe it. I think that I am secretly still in shock!
 They said that the pain I was feeling in my right arm pit area & slight breast region was probably just swollen lymph nodes. So that explains why I am not feeling anything on the right side (since I don't have any lymph nodes there). Which was a great relief. I was super stressing about that pain!
 He wants me to meet with my Radiation Oncologist (Feb. 5th is my appointment) to see what he wants to do with the skin nodules. He is thinking that I will probably be starting radiation soon. And there is a possiblity of an extra 2 chemo treatments. Which at this point I am fine with. I want to make sure we get all of these cancer cells out of my body! I am ready for a healthy year!
 So even though I am having to sit here in the Oncology office on my Birthday I couldn't be happier with my news I recieved.
 Lucas & I are so thankful to all our friends & family for their support & all the prayers that have been said for our family. Please keep them coming because they are obviously doing their job! Keep the good news coming our way
Much Love,

Monday, January 20, 2014

Ignorance is Bliss?!?!

Yes I am asking if Ignorance is Bliss?!?!?
 I have my 3rd PET scan this Thursday. Am I ready to get there at 9:30am drink that god awful drink, rest in a plastic recliner for approximately 30 minutes & then be moved in & out of the machine while I lay still on a metal table? All while I try to be as relaxed as possible?
 I am wondering if I am ready for the results??? I know it sounds strange but do I? I mean I have been through 4 rounds of chemo & for sure have 2 more. Did they work? Will the last 2 be more beneficial? Will all this poison kill the cancer cells inside? I am so hopeful that this round of treatments will be my last chemo treatments for quite some time.
 I know that this really might not make the most sense to everyone but I just had to get these thoughts out on paper (I guess I should say screen) & try to process them before the scan on Thursday. It's silly I know I should be used to having these types of tests done I mean I have had everything under the sun done to me this last year. But these PET scans do not get any easier! In fact I think they get a little scarier each time. Try thinking about being scanned, your entire body, & then seeing yourself on a computer screen days later with highlighted areas that are cancer spots. It's just plain crazy to me! But I am going to go with the most positive thoughts I can come up with & hope for the very best with my results on Monday! Thanks for listening to my ramble session tonight. (These thoughts might have seemed more organized at 3:00am but hopefully you get the idea)
Much Love,

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fiona's 1 Year Appointment

Miss Fiona's 1 Year Check Up
January 10th, 2014

My little monster is growing like a weed!
She was 20lbs 7.8oz (58%)
30 1/2inches (87%)
Head circumference 18inches (70%)

 Three shots & a finger prick were not so much fun for her. She is also getting her two bottom eye teeth. So we have be battling some bum issues but she is handling it like the champ that she is. Gotta love this little monster. She has 8 teeth so far, wearing 18 month sleepers (which are a bit big still), size 3 diapers & 18 month clothes. We are working on the sippy cup but she has no real interest in that at all. But will drink Next Step & whole milk from her bottle. We will continue to try this no big hurry:) She started taking steps on New Year's Eve & is motoring around pretty good, still a little teeter tottering though. But she will get there. It is so cute watching her. We love to pull all our toys out of the boxes too. A fun game had by her.

Big Sister Reese was
18lbs 8oz
Head circumference 17 1/2

We shall see if she is going to be a tiny little thing like Miss Reese or tall! I am so excited to watch them grow & see the comparison!!!

Much Love,

Chemo #4

 I finally got to have my 4th chemo last week. It was postponed by the snowacalpsye & a water main breaking in the Hospital. I was really ready for it to be on Monday but waiting until Wednesday was ok I guess. Just makes the recovery time a little longer than expected. I just get myself ready to go mentally & it stinks when things don't go your way! Ha but I think I am learning that throughout this whole process!!!! It's just another day:)
 They were able to only stick me twice this appointment. Once for blood work & once to get the chemo started. Whoo Hoo! That is always exciting for me. It was another long day. We got there at 10am & didn't leave until 6:15pm. Needless to say I was wiped out as usual afterwards. But that is nothing new. Each & every chemo effects me the same way day of. Today I am starting to feel a bit more like myself. But still not wanting much to eat or drink. But also trying to stay on top of that so I don't come down with anything.
 I did find out that I will be having my 3rd PET Scan on January 23rd getting results back on January 27th (chemo #5 & my birthday). What a way to spend my 35 birthday in the Oncology unit having chemo. That is just another day in the Life of the Rosbottoms for you!
 My PET Scan will be at 9:20am. I have to drink this terrible white solo plastic cup full of liquid & then rest in a quiet dark room for at least 30 minutes to let the fluid pass through to light up any cancer cells I might have. Then we are finished & wait for the results. Which I of course will be nerve wracking but I will be feeling good so that is all I can ask for!
 I also met with my plastic surgeon this week & he said that my breast wounds are healing as he expected. I may still have to get a skin craft at a later date but as of now things look good. I was happy to hear that. I am still seeing wound care for them just to be on the safe side no more infections or unnecessary surgeries for me please!
Much Love,

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Seriously this cold weather can go

 Well Dr. Manges' office called me this morning to let me know they would not be opening today either! There was a water main break! Seriously why is this happening? I'm ready to get #4 over with! I'm in the books for tomorrow at 10:00am. As long as nothing else crazy happens with the weather or hospital. I knew I wasn't a big fan of the cold weather for a reason:)
 I'll be back tomorrow & hopefully writing from the Oncology office! Thank you to everyone that has sent me texts or commented on the blog this week. They all make me smile & truly make my day. I greatly appreciate them all
Much Love,

Monday, January 6, 2014

This Snow can go away...

 Well I was supposed to be scheduled for Chemo #4 today. I was mentally prepared for the day & for the following week to feel like poo. But I got a phone call yesterday from Dr. Manges' office stating they would be closed today & would call when they got back into the office. I know everyone needs to be safe out there & not be on the roads. We did get 12 inches of snow after all & the wind chill is like -30. But seriously I was ready to get this one over with & get my next PET scan date. Could they not have come in just for me?!? Ha just kidding. I should be happy that I get an extra day of feeling good & being able to get more done around the house before my babies come home. But I really wanted to get this one knocked out!
 Speaking of babies coming home I think I am ready to see those precious little faces. We left them with Grandparents since December 30th. It has been great because Lucas & I have been able to get tons done around the house that we otherwise wouldn't have been able to do. Which is great! And we are so thankful that the Grandparents want to keep our girls for extended times. We have gotten all kinds of household chores accomplished, watched a couple of movies & had a date night including a little shopping. What a fun week we have had but I am ready to see them tomorrow.
Much Love,

Saturday, January 4, 2014

2013 Year in Review

2013 Year in Review
(I know this post is going to be a long one so please bare with me. I just thought this would be the easiest way to get you all caught up on what has happened in the Rosbottom household in 2013.)

December 2012
 We welcomed our second little bundle of joy, Miss Fiona Quinn! Born at 7:49am via C-section. 7lbs & 20 1/4 inches absolutely perfect! Big sister Reese met you & instantly fell in love with you, as did Mommy & Daddy!

January 2013
 This month was mainly us getting used to life with 2 little girls. We were blessed to have meal trains set up so we didn't have to cook dinner. That was so very nice. Thank you to everyone who sent us meals & cooked for us & brought it to us. It was very much appreciated.
 Miss Fiona did have to have a minor surgery on January 2nd. They noticed in the hospital that she was tongue tied. Which meant the skin under her tongue was attached more than most. She would have to have to snipped in order to not have any problems eating in the future. Lucas took her to this appointment. I was too nervous. He said they didn't even get her out of her car seat & it was over quicker than he could blink. So glad that it went so smoothly & she was completely fine afterwards.
 Miss Fiona had her 1 Month check-up weighing in at 8lbs 14oz (33%), 21 1/2 inches (71%) & head circumference 14 3/4 inches (83%).

February 2013
 I had noticed a lump in my right breast back in January & finally had Lucas feel it to see what he thought. He didn't think that it was normal. So I got in with my OB/GYN on Monday the 4th. She was unsure of it & to be on the safe side set me up for Wednesday 6th to get a mammogram & ultrasound. (They found a calcification on the right side but seemed to not be concerned with the lump) We are scheduled for a biopsy on Valentine's Day. What a way to spend my Valentine's Day morning. My OB/GYN called me on the 15th at 4:30pm with the news that would change my whole life. She said that the spot they biopsied was cancer (Infiltrating Ductal Cancer & it could be aggressive). What in the world does that mean!?!? She asked me if I had a preference of Breast Surgeons & I was like no I have no idea. Please just get me in with whoever & fast. Lucas & I met with Dr. Zusan on the 20th. She was unsure of the lump being a cyst & asked if she could biopsy that while we were there. I of course was like yes please. She biopsied the original lump & a lymph node that she didn't like the looks of on the ultrasound. (We are looking at Stage 2 Grade 3 right now but are awaiting biopsy results) I had an MRI on the 21st, they also took blood to see if I was BRCA positive (Dr. Zusan said it would be a good idea since I was so young & no family history of breast cancer.) One of the nurses called with the MRI results & said that the original lump was cancer, it is a 6cm tumor & the lymph node tested positive too. I met with Dr. Manges (my Oncologist) on the 25th, had my port placed by Dr. Zusan on the 26th, an echocardiogram on the 27th & my 1st PET scan on the 28th. (I had to drink a nasty white drink & then sit in a recliner in a dark room for about 30 minutes. You are supposed to relax in there. Ha! Not as easy as it sounds) What a whirlwind of a month. We went from being a new family of 4 to a Mom with cancer. What is that all about! So very not cool!

March 2013
 We met with my Radiologist on the 1st. Dr. Givins read my PET scan & it showed that the cancer was just confined to my right breast & lymph nodes in my arm pit! Whoo Hoo!!!!! We were so very excited! The 1st was also my 1st Chemo. Miss Fiona had her 2 Month check up on the 7th. She was 11.4 lbs (38%), 23 /14 inches (75%) & head circumference 15 1/2 inches (75%). By the 10th I was finally starting to feel back to normal again. My hair had started to fall out in the shower & when I brushed it. I was ready to get rid of it. So on the 15th I had Lucas shave my head after the girls went to bed. I was a little nervous about this but I wanted to lose my hair on my own terms. So I sat in the our kitchen & Lucas buzzed my head. That was an experience I will never forget, having your husband shave your head is a humbling experience. But he handled it like a champ & said I was beautiful when he was finished. I was worried what Reese would say the next day, so I wore a hat in the morning. She went down for a nap & when she woke up I was sitting in the living room without a hat. She said "Mommy where did your hair go? You look like Fiona & silly." That is my girl. She totally put it into perspective that day. It is just hair & who cares. Bald is beautiful!!! My 2nd round of Chemo was on the 18th.

April 2013
 Chemo #3 on the 8th. Chemo #4 on the 29th. Reese woke up crying the next day & it wasn't a normal cry I was hearing from the bedroom. I went out to the living rook & brought her into bed with me for a bit. I called the Dr. once they opened & got her in that day. She had 3 breathing treatments in the Dr. office. She had low oxygen & they are thinking it is asthma. She was admitted into the hospital right away. Yikes! The pediatric ward one day after Chemo. Thank goodness they had been closed because there were no patients (they opened back up just for us). We stayed in the hospital until May 2nd. I was there during the day & Daddy stayed the nights with Reese. That way I could go home & get some rest. Reese also started soccer this month. In her 1st game she was running by the sidelines about 20 feet behind the rest of the kids "yelling I am winning, Mommy I am winning!" God love her she isn't quite what soccer is all about. But I love that she is having fun!

May 2013
 Lucas surprised me on Mother's Day with a family trip to the Indianapolis Zoo. We had so much fun. And got a super cute picture from our visit. We celebrated Reese's 4th birthday party at school on the 14th. Reese loved taking cupcakes, lollipops & balloons to her friends. We had her party at our house on the 18th. And of course I had my 5th Chemo on her actual birthday the 20th. I wasn't about to let that stop me from celebrating with her. Lucas, Reese, Nana, Grammy, Fiona & I went to El Meson for a birthday dinner & opened presents when we got home. I wasn't feeling the best but I wanted to spend that time with Reese! Reese had her last day of Pre School & her final fun day on the 21st & 22nd. We made the trip to Evansville on Memorial Day weekend to celebrate my niece, Peyton's graduation. I seriously can't believe that she is graduating & heading off to Purdue in the Fall. Where has the time gone. I remember being in the hospital on the day she was born!

June 2013
 I took the girls to the Zoo with friends. Wow is that different with 2! Daddy took Reese golfing for the 1st time. She loved it! I had my 6th & final Chemo of this round on the 10th. I was quite happy for this day to come! Fiona started sitting up on her own. Wow where is this time going with her?!? Reese had her very 1st Dance Recital on the 15th, "This is Hollywood". She danced to Pretty Woman & she did great! I was so very proud of her!!!!

July 2013
 Daddy took Fiona to Grammy & Yue Yue's on the 4th. We left on the 6th for a little family vacation to New Buffalo, MI. I felt really bad leaving you behind while we were on vacation. But I am not sure how much fun you would have had in the heat, pool or beach! Next year you will for sure be coming along on the trip with us! I promise. Aunt Sayelle & Uncle Don came up to get both of the girls on the 18th. I had surgery scheduled for the 19th at 8:00am. We got there @ 6:30am. I had a double mastectomy, port removed, tubes & ovaries removed & expanders put in. My tubes & ovaries were removed because I tested positive for the BRCA gene. Of course I did! Why not add that to the mix! The girls spent the next 2 weeks in Southern IN with Aunt Sayelle & Uncle Don, Nana & Grammy & Yue Yue. That made recovery much easier knowing that they were being taken care of & I didn't have to worry about either one of them. I feel truly blessed to have family take time out of their schedules to take care of our girls for us!

August 2013
 We met Nana in Terre Haute on the 2nd to get the girls back. It wasn't the easiest ride there & back for me. But well worth it to see both of the girls again! Miss Fiona has started to scoot backwards & rolled over the week of the 11th. Not sure I am ready for all of this to start! Lucas & I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary on the 16th!!! WOW, how crazy is that to say 10 years of marriage! I love this man more & more every day! He is the best husband & father a girl could ask for. He is so positive & keeps me in check with everything that is going on in our lives! I love you so much, Lucas! We celebrated that evening with dinner at El Meson. Fiona had her 1st chip too. I think I can say that we all love Mexican food! Reese started her 2nd year at Light & Life Pre School on the 21st. She is going Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9am to 12pm. I had my 1st Herceptin treatment on the 26th. These will be once a week every 3 weeks for a full year. I had another biopsy on the 28th with Dr. Zusan. She called me personally on the 30th saying that the biopsy was cancer. You know it is never a good thing when the Dr. calls you personally.

September 2013
 I had PET scan #2 on the 4th & Radiation simulation on the 6th. Also on the 6th we found out that the PET scan showed 2 new spots on the right side. Dr. Manges said we should continue ahead with Radiation & the Herceptin treatments. So I start Radiation every day on the 9th. I had an MRI of my brain on the 18th. My oncologist called me & starts the conversation out with "your brain is normal!" No "is this Megan" or stating who he is. I gotta love this guy because he just gets right to the point. He doesn't leave time for you to worry he just gets right to the point of the call. We got to take a little trip to FL the weekend of the 21st for my sorority daughter's wedding. Thank you Sara Stuzcynski for getting married & inviting us to the festivities. We had a fabulous time! The weekend of the 28th was the Evansville Race for the Cure. I have some of the most wonderful friends & family for coming to celebrate me on this day. I was able to spend some quality time on Friday night with my friends at dinner & they brought me a cake with 1 candle on it for my 1st of many Race for the Cures to come. We did the 1 mile family walk & it was great. I loved having so many people there just because of me. What a great day! It was fun after the walk to watch the kids dancing to the DJ & all the great music. We also won "Most Inspiring Essay". Thank you Emily Maier-Stevens for setting up our team "Megan's Rack Pack" & writing such a wonderful essay. Thank you too to Anne Maier-Scherer & Courtney Martin for all your help making this day happen. I want to give a huge shout out to everyone that donated to our team & walked with my family. I greatly appreciate it & it meant the world to me!

October 2013
 Miss Fiona has started to crawl across the floor on the 3rd. Yikes I am so not ready to have you on the move!!! Herceptin treatment on the 7th. I had another biopsy on the 21st for some bumps on the left breast. Also the 21st was my last day of Radiation!!! Whoa Hoo! I am so glad to be done with that. It was like a job going every day for 5 1/2 weeks. We took our annual Beasley's Pumpkin Patch trip on the 27th. We went on a hayride to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins. We had to get an orange one & also a green one to save for Christmas. (We have "The Christmas Pumpkin by Debbie Reece. It is very cute if you haven't read it.) My biopsy came back positive. I got rear ended, I mean seriously what is going to happen next?!?!? We took the girls Trick or Treating on Halloween with Brett, Morgan & Bryant Perrill because I start my 2nd round of Chemo on November 1st. We had fun with them having appetizers at their house & dinner at ours. This was our 2nd year going with them & I hope we have many more. Also, this month I was interviewed by the Hendricks County Flyer & Indianapolis Star. Both papers ran stories about me in their papers. Reese said it best "Mommy we are famous!" Oh sweet pea it is exciting to have our picture in the paper but I wish we were famous for something else! But hey I will take it

November 2013
 Chemo #1 on the 1st. Hmm...I am not so sure about starting these things on the 1st of the month! I wasn't feeling the best the following weekend after Chemo. We had Fiona an ear check on the 8th. Lucas decided I needed to go & be checked out by the Chemo office too that day. I was feeling so bad that I had to be taken to the 3rd floor in a wheelchair. The nurses were not expecting that. They decided that I was dehydrated. My blood pressure was extremely low & my pulse was racing. Lucas took Fiona to her appointment & I stayed getting fluids by IV. They decided to send Lucas & Fiona home & the nurse was waiting for Dr. Manges to call her back. She finally heard back from him I could barely hear what she was saying to him. But they both decided it was best if I was admitted to the hospital! What?!?! I am not ready for this. We are supposed to be getting Rosbottom family pictures today! I guess that is out of the question. I was in the hospital until Monday. I have decided I am not the biggest fan of being in there but I guess it was where I needed to be! Chemo #2 on the 25th. Which means I won't be overeating for Thanksgiving this year! Nana took Reese with her to Poseyville on Wednesday so she could go to all the Thanksgiving festivities. Lucas, Fiona & I celebrated Thanksgiving with a frozen lasagna. For any of you that know me well you know I can't cook anyways so this was just fine by me. We did get out on Friday & did a little shopping. Nothing too crazy though. I just can't do that crazy Black Friday shopping!

December 2013
 I had started to have some extreme pain in my right breast. I couldn't do much with my arm. And everything that I did with it hurt. I scheduled an appointment with my plastic surgeon on the 3rd. He said that the right side was infected & that the expanders needed to come out. I said it didn't matter to me do whatever you need to do so that I can get some relief. He said if it was infection that I would have instant relief. Yeah I am so hopeful that it is. We scheduled surgery for the next day, 4th. Of course Lucas is out of town for work again. He was when Reese was admitted to the hospital. I was scheduled for surgery at 5pm. So nothing to eat or drink after 9am. When I finally get back to the prep room the nurses have trouble starting the IV. She says you are dehydrated. Of course I am crazy lady I haven't had anything to eat or drink all day. I have an infection that has been going on for God knows how long & I feel like crap. Seriously it isn't my fault, get the IV in & lets go. Surgery went as good as could be expected. I stayed the night in the hospital just in case the fever or anything came back. Dr. Manges called me on Friday saying that my hemoglobin was 6 & most normal people are a 12. So that meant I needed a blood transfusion. What?!?! Seriously what is going to happen next. I go in for my 1st blood transfusion. I was running a fever after the 1st bag of blood & had to take some tyleynol & wait for a bit to see if it will go down so I can have my 2nd bag & go home. Thankfully it did & I was eventually able to go home. I had Chemo #3 on the 16th. Which meant I was able to enjoy & feel good at Christmas. We made it to Danville on Christmas Eve for the festival of lights. It was so much fun. Lucas had the idea of taking hot chocolate & cookies along for our trip. I sat in the back seat between the girls for the ride. We had so much fun going to see the lights & also seeing the "pink house" in Avon. I hope to continue this tradition in the years to come. We made it down south the day after Christmas to celebrate with family. It was so great seeing all of our family over the holidays. We were also lucky enough to have Aunt Patty & Uncle Rick host Miss Fiona's 1st birthday party. She was so lucky to have almost all of her friends & family at the party. I had so much fun seeing almost all of my girlfriends & their kids.

I think that this pretty much covers our 2013. I am so sorry to make it drag on forever. And I appreciate you taking the time to read about our lives. I promise not to have any more crazy long posts. I just wanted to make sure I got everyone caught up before the New Year!
Much Love,

I have a blog! I have a blog!

 Yes, it has finally happened I have a blog & am ready to get this going. I have only thought about this for the past year but was unsure how to get it started/going. Thanks to a fantastic friend (who has an amazing blog herself) I was able to get started! Thank you very much Katie Hermann! You truly are a great friend to take the time out of your busy schedule to help me with this! I can't wait to learn more from you!!!
 I am not sure exactly where this blog will take us but I am ready to see I hope it brings smiles, laughs & hopefully not too many tears! Let's see what 2014 has in store for us all!
Much Love,