Sunday, March 2, 2014

Catch Up Time

 Wow has it really been a whole year, March 1st, 2013, since I started my first round of Chemo?!? Why yes it has! I have completed one round of Chemo, one round of Radiation, started my second round of Chemo (not completely finished with it yet) & an in my second week out of four of Radiation. What a whirl wind year but hey we are getting through this one phase at a time.
 I am not exactly sure how I feel about this last year of my life going through all of this. But I am hoping that I am a stronger person today than I was over a year ago & hoping to inspire at least one person throughout this journey. But I am not going to lie either I am ready for this to be over & behind us all!
 The only good thing that I can say has come out of this year of treatment has been losing my hair. It was very stressful actually having Lucas shave my head that day but I can't complain about my new beauty routine. I don't mind being bald but I still feel as though I need to wear a hat so I don't make anyone around me uncomfortable. I usually don't wear anything at home but when I go out I will wear my hat. I don't like the stares & random questions that I get when I go without. And I don't want anyone else to feel awkward either. It is nice to shower in less than 10 minutes. I mean it is crazy! A quick wash over my head & no shaving then all I have to do afterwards is lotion & put makeup on. It is very nice. I sort of know how it feels to be a guy. I will be excited though to see what my hair looks like when it finally decides to grow back in when this is all finished.
 I also met with my plastic surgeon this week. He informed me that I am probably looking at a lengthy surgery & recovery time for my wounds than what I was originally thinking. I thought it was going to be a minor skin graft & we would call it a day. He is saying that we are probably looking at either bringing skin/muscle from my back or belly region up to cover the areas. This is going to be more of a major surgery than I was thinking & the recovery time will be at least 2 weeks. So of course Lucas said my recovery time will be 4 weeks at minimum. This surgery will not be happening for quite awhile either. I have to be done with Radiation & Chemo & also have a good PET scan before he will do anything. Yuck I said! I was hoping to get this done & over with sooner but I guess I can't argue with the professionals.
 I had normal Radiation on Friday February 28th, 2014. I met with Dr. Givens afterwards like any other Friday. He asked his normal questions & then checked on my wounds & Radiated areas. He wasn't too happy with this new rash that I had & asked a nurse to come in & give her opinion. What was their consensus? Shingles!?!?!? What! Seriously aren't I too young for shingles I asked? I can't believe this one. I am beginning to think that Lucas is right, I am going to have every illness/ailment known to man before this is over with. I am in disbelief of this one. They put me on an antibiotic for 7 days 3 times a day. What fun that is. I just love taking pills!!! I had to call the girls Pediatrician to make sure they were up to date on their vaccinations. Reese has had 1 of hers & is due for her 2nd when she goes for her Kindergarten shots. Fiona hasn't had any because I was going through Chemo when they were going to give her the vaccination (since it is a live virus they didn't want her getting it at that time). The nurse said that they should be fine especially since it is around my left breast area & is constantly covered at all times. You have to physically touch the rash to get it. So lots of hand washing this weekend & for the next week but everyone around me should be fine. Thank goodness. Although it isn't the most pleasant of all things to have. It itches like crazy & is quite sore I am hoping to make it through this new ailment too.
 Two more weeks of Radiation to go. So let's hope they go smoothly!
 Thanks everyone for the continued thoughts, prayers & cards. I greatly appreciate them & hope that they continue to help me through this process.
Much Love,

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